Meet Malia Phillips



Malia is the committee chairman. She is a Crew Team Leader for the Avon Walk. She is in charge of a stop along the route. Malia is a substitute teacher and is working on a Master’s Degree in Social Work. She is active in Job’s Daughters and enjoys reading and crafting.

Why I walk:
I once saw a button that said “I walk because I can’t walk away.” My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 and passed away 18 months later. She was the center of my universe. When she passed away it was devastating to us. After she passed my sister got involved in the walk, I remember watching her finish and just being amazed at what she had accomplished. A few years later, I decided to crew and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Being on crew, I have learned so much and been able to make an impact in a new way. I get to talk to the walkers and help hydrate them but beyond the hydration, we provide support and encouragement. I also get to help raise money and that is something I am very proud of. We have made a big difference in this cause by the money and awareness we have raised. I was also luckily enough to be chosen to speak in front of all the walkers and make a difference in that way. (check out my video!) I crew because I want to make a difference, I crew because it is a way to honor my mother’s memory, I crew for her, I crew for the walkers, I crew for my sister and my nieces, friends and family. I crew so one day no one will know how we felt when my mom passed away. I crew for healing. I crew. I make a difference.

By Malia Phillips

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