Browsing Category : Avon Walk

Our 9th annual Sue Phillips Memorial Fundraiser is around the corner

We are excited to announce that we will be holding our 9th annual Sue Phillips Memorial Fundraiser on Saturday, Aug. 1, 2015 at 6 p.m. We are bringing back our amazing Italian dinner, quarter auction and silent auction! Tickets are only $35 and all proceeds from the fundraiser will support our walker Howard Phillips and our crew members this year…

Thank You!

Alicia and me! Completing the first day of 26 miles!               I would like to thank everyone who was involved and those of you that helped with your donations to the 2011 Avon Breast Cancer Walk. Our team raised over $ 5000.00! The Santa Barbara group that we were a part of raised 4.6 million…

Thank You Everyone!

This was written after my fifth walk in 2010! This was my fifth walk and the first time walking in the Santa Barbara version of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer! WOW! The hills were steep, but walking down them was even harder. I trained and trained and felt really good during and after the walk. I felt so good…